obsazenost 📅

About the Equestrian Centre

197-p1000002The current owners have purchased the first plots of land in Hostinův Důl in 2007. Construction works were started in 2008 and finished in October 2010.

The main purpose of the Equestrian Centre is breeding of the Hungarian Kisberi breed of horses, sports and recreational training of riders, and last not least also stabling of horses. To all lovers of horses and horse-riding we offer a wide range of services, and to other guests of the Horse Riding Hotel and the premises an option to see the backstage of work with horses.

We have 25 hectares of pastures available, stables with solarium, an indoor riding hall, outdoor sandy manège with a dressage rectangle, horse paths both within the premises and beyond, horse exercise machine, parking area, lodging house for accommodation and a restaurant with outdoor terrace.

Podle zákona o evidenci tržeb je prodávající povinen vystavit kupujícímu účtenku. Zároveň je povinen zaevidovat přijatou tržbu u správce daně online; v případě technického výpadku pak nejpozději do 48 hodin.
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Jezdecký areál, Hostinův Důl  351, Tršice

Reception / booking: +420 585 413 111
Custodian: +420 607 180 544

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